The advantages and benefits of Maple Syrup for Food Processors

An ecological and renewable product

To food processors looking for a greener sweetening agent: did you know that Quebec maple trees in production capture the equivalent of 9% of the carbon emissions of the Quebec car fleet? In addition, each time a teaspoon of maple syrup is used in a processed product instead of another sweetening agent, it helps protect 2 maple trees in production.

  • Maple Protection
  • Greener sweetening agent
  • Contributing to less carbon emissions

A pure product and a healthy alternative to refined sugar

Did you know that maple syrup contains a hundred nutritious compounds such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants ?
For food processors, maple syrup is an excellent substitute for conventional sweetening agents in addition to being 100% local and no-GMO!

  • 100% local
  • no-GMO
  • Substitutes for sugars and refined products
  • Nutritional values higher than conventional sugar

Health benefits

Maple syrup is composed mainly of sucrose, which facilitates its absorption to the benefit of muscles during exercise. Diluted pure maple syrup can therefore be a real alternative to increase energy intake during physical activity. In addition, sports drinks made from pure maple syrup contain no processed sugar, gluten, dyes or additives, and are suitable for the vegan diet.

  • Energy intake
  • No Gluten or Dye
  • No processed sugar or additives

A boost to the local economy

The production and sale of maple syrup here and around the world contributes $800 million to Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP).

In addition, the production of maple syrup creates the equivalent of 10,000 full-time jobs.

  • PIB of $800 million
  • Creation of 10,000 jobs
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Would you like more information about our products ?

Our free R&D support allows our customers to maximize the benefits associated with the use of maple syrup in their products.